Hair Transplantation Via Fit Method

Hair transplantation via fit method very cheap ،permanent and natural

Hair Transplantation Via Fit Method

Hair transplantation via fit method very cheap ،permanent and natural

کاشت موی طبیعی به روش فیت. داعمی، طبیعی و همیشگی

If you’re suffering from hair loss, choose our clinic to plant your hair. our health care is excellent and the prices are very affordable and cheap. I and the hair transplant team , we will treat your hair effectively and treat your baldness.
The cost of a hair transplant in Iran is one of the lowest, if not the lowest, in the world among countries offering high-quality procedures as well as other medical tourism services. A hair transplant costs from $500 to $2,500 in Iran, including all the related fees such as doctor's visit, anesthesia, surgery fee, and the rest. However, the same procedure in the United States and Europe costs much higher, from $5,000 to $30,000.
Iran beats other Asian countries like Turkey, India, and Thailand in terms of price, as it offers more affordable prices in hair restoration surgery. A hair replacement operation in Turkey costs around $3,500, and the same procedure costs around $3,000 in India and Thailand. our clinic offers all kinds of cosmetic surgery services including hair transplantation, eyelash and eyebrow transplantation, beard and mustache transplantation.

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Hair Transplant in Iran

It’s time to stop being bald by making a bold decision! We help you have an unforgettable hair transplant experience in Iran.

With advanced hair transplant techniques, short recovery periods, and best possible results, Iran stands out as a reliable hair transplant destination. If you’re suffering from hair loss, choose our clinic to plant your hair. our health care is excellent and the prices are very affordable and cheap. I and the hair transplant team , we will treat your hair effectively and treat your baldness.


Why do we transplant hair in  Iran?

Hair transplant is much in demand in Iran and this has enabled Iranian hair transplant surgeons to build on their experience and expertise in this procedure. Also, the highly affordable hair costs of hair transplant and other costs in Iran is a great reason to opt for the country instead of other destinations. in a word, because of the very bald people in Iran , we are very experienced in planting hair. You can telegram me at the following telegram address :  it is the telegram of our hair transplant team. You can send me a message on the telegram for a visit and estimate the cost of hair transplant. You must have 5 photos of your head and send it to me so that we tell you how much is  the cost of your hair transplant.  5 photos should show  the front, beside, back and top of your head.


How does it cost to have a hair transplant in Iran?

Like all other healthcare services, hair transplant is offered at rock-bottom prices compared to other countries. With less than $800, you can have a full hair transplant at a modern clinic by a highly experienced doctor.



No one can deny the inseparable relation between hair, beauty, and self-confidence. Your hair may start to fall for a variety of reasons as you get older, impacting your beauty and, in turn, your self-confidence. So, if you’re looking for an affordable solution to your hair loss, here is a clear-cut path to getting your hair back again! And that’s hair transplant in Iran.


Hair transplant or hair restoration surgery is an effective treatment for alopecia (the problem of hair loss). It involves two parts:


·         Removing hair-bearing tissues or hair grafts from one part of the scalp (donor zone)

·         Relocating them to another part (recipient zone)

Donor zone refers to the area of the scalp, usually the back of the scalp, that has more hair with higher sustainability. Recipient zone refers to the balding part of the scalp that needs to grow hair. Hair loss or receding hairline mainly results from pattern baldness. Other factors like diet, stress, hormone, and disease contribute little to the hair loss.


Hair transplant surgery is a common cosmetic procedure in Iran. With highly-experienced surgeons and modern hair transplant clinics, Iran offers foreign candidates a very safe experience of hair transplant.

The low cost of hair transplant in Iran serves as another motive, enticing candidates from all over the world to choose Iran as their destination. As is the case with lots of other cosmetic surgeries, the cost of hair transplant in Iran compared to other countries is considerably more reasonable.

Plus, the results of hair restoration surgery in Iran are reported to bring a very high level of safety and satisfaction for patients. A study on the success rate of hair transplant in Iran indicates that this surgery offers a high rate of success with the least possible side effects. The study reveals that the satisfaction level of the transplanted hairline in 76% of patients was excellent and in 24% was good. So, it would be fair if we claim that Iran is a highly successful country in providing quality hair transplant services.


Just like other cosmetic/medical procedures, Iran's becoming a household name in hair transplant. The country embraces a society of highly-skilled and board-certified surgeons in this field. Having graduated from top-rated universities, Iranian surgeons have completed their fellowships in hair transplant in Europe and the United States.

Studies show that in Iran three out of five men go bald before the age of 50. Accordingly, the number of candidates and those who undergo this surgery is on the rise. The more procedures surgeons perform, the better their surgery results are. As a result, this has brought more proficiency for Iranian surgeons in this field. These surgeons are, hence, able to anticipate all the complications that may arise before the surgery. And, this would guarantee the patient's treatment success



The cost of a hair transplant in Iran is one of the lowest, if not the lowest, in the world among countries offering high-quality procedures as well as other medical tourism services. A hair transplant costs from $500 to $2,500 in Iran, including all the related fees such as doctor's visit, anesthesia, surgery fee, and the rest. However, the same procedure in the United States and Europe costs much higher, from $5,000 to $30,000.

Iran beats other Asian countries like Turkey, India, and Thailand in terms of price, as it offers more affordable prices in hair restoration surgery. A hair replacement operation in Turkey costs around $3,500, and the same procedure costs around $3,000 in India and Thailand.




Hair transplant in Iran is more advanced than ever, and surgeons do their best to help you get through it easily. Iranian hair transplant surgeons adopt the latest methods and technologies to help you get through it easily. The surgery is performed in a modern clinic under local anesthesia. The procedure takes about 8 hours, while the healing process takes at most 3-4 days. The first hints of your treatment would be visible after around 4 months, while the full results would be apparent after 8-12 months.

Moreover, Iran is a country offering all the techniques of hair loss treatment available in the world. There are four main techniques for performing this surgery. They include Follicular Isolation Technique (FIT), Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) also known as FUSS, and a combination of FIT and FUT. The latter is used in patients with extensive baldness, as in this method, more grafts are implanted on the scalp compared to other techniques.



Unlike what is expected by most people, women are, of course, candidates for hair transplant. According to the American Association of Dermatologists, hair loss for women is common. Women usually deal with two types of hair loss. One is receded hairline and the other is female pattern baldness. The former occurs in both men and women and can be treated with hairline lowering.  In this case, the surgeon transplants hair from hair bank to the front of patients' hair.

When hair loss pattern is not distinct and there's a thinning/balding in all areas of the head, it may be due to female pattern baldness. A hair transplant may not always be appropriate for women, and other methods like Platelet Rich Plasma(PRP) and mesotherapy will do a far better job. PRP involves injecting rich platelets into the recipient area, after centrifuging the patient’s own blood for about 10 minutes. This stimulates hair follicles, thickens thin hair, increases hair volume, and promotes new hair growth. Mesotherapy is another method which triggers hair growth through injecting nutrients' boosters into the scalp.


Today, there is a significant increase in the number of men who choose a beard or mustache transplant. They seek beard or mustache transplant to restore hair in areas of the face with no or thin hair. Facial hair transplant procedure is similar to a regular hair restoration surgery. Both FUT and FUE techniques can be applied in beard or mustache transplant. The procedure requires great preciseness because hair grafts need to be transplanted with the right growth direction so that the results look more natural and less artificial.


Natural eyebrows are one of the most prominent elements of facial beauty. Many opt for having eyebrow transplant, or eyebrow hair restoration, to have natural looking and permanent eyebrows. People seek eyebrow transplant for many reasons, including if their eyebrows have been over plucked, burned, or affected by scarring or genetics. This procedure is successfully performed in Iran using both FIT and FUT. The surgery is done under local anesthesia, and there is no scar left after the surgery. The recovery is fast, and the result is permanent.

In the last-but-not-the-least section, we are going to go through the questions that may pop up to your mind when you decide to get your hair transplant done.

Why Choose our clinic for hair transplant?

We are primarily concerned with your care and successful outcome of your hair restoration services

We do not sacrifice quality in order to minimize our costs

We believe you should be paying for a quality hair transplant, not for fancy overhead costs.

A busy hair clinic should have quality results at competitive graft prices. However, many pump your money into high overhead office space and high-octane advertising campaigns.  our Transplant Center is different because we pass the savings on to you while maintaining quality. We can be your solution to scalp thinning and male pattern baldness.

Comparing the cost of a hair transplant

The average cost per FUE graft in the United States can vary between $6-11, with the overall cost of a full hair transplant costing anywhere in theregion of $10,000-25,000, depending on the desired results, the clinic and the city you are treated in.



A hair transplant in the UK can cost anywhere between £1,000 and £30,000, depending on the extent of hair loss, the type of procedure you have, and the quality of the clinic and its team.


How much does it cost for a Hair Transplant worldwide?

Hair transplants are becoming increasingly popular with more men and women seeking procedures worldwide. we  aims to provide you with all the information you need when seeking hair transplants.

Many countries such as India, Thailand, Turkey, Greece and Sweden offer great standards of care to patients at affordable prices. In Turkey alone over 30,000  users enquired about hair loss procedures last year. Greece is also very well recommended and many hair loss professionals travel there for research and training purposes.

Wherever you decide we  aim to give you as much information as we can, so you can decide what is best for you. However it is still a good idea to contact the clinics to avail of any package deals, discounts or any further information you may need when choosing the right clinic for you.

What is meant by Hair Transplant?

Hair Transplant is a surgical procedure where hair follicles are transplanted from one part of the body to the scalp or face of a patient. The part of the body from which the follicles are taken is called the donor site and the part of the scalp or face where follicles are placed is called the recipient site.

Is Hair Transplant permanent?

Hair transplants are usually permanent, as the translanted follicles are taken from areas where hair loss will not occur. Patients may experience hair loss in other areas of their scalp or face but in not the recipient site. The transplanted hair will fall out after the surgery, but will grow back within about six months. Surgeons usually prescribe medications to strengthen hair follicles to prevent the loss of non-transplanted hair after the surgery.

How long does it take to recover from Hair Transplant surgery?

Recovering from a hair transplantation procedure depends on the type of procedure. Patients may take many weeks to recover from an FUT, or strip type, hair transplantation procedure while recovery from an FUE type of hair transplantation surgery takes about a week.

What are the different types of Hair Transplant?

Types of hair transplantation procedures include FUSS, FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) or the strip method, where a strip of tissue is removed from the scalp and then hair is transplanted in groups of one to four units called follicular units, the minimally invasive FUE method where a hole is made in the donor site with a punch and single hair follicles are taken from the donor site and placed in the recipient site. The ARTAS method is a robotic hair transplantation procedure that performs the FUE hair transplantation procedure faster than traditional hair transplantation procedures.

How much the treatment costs

The cost of a hair transplant is highly variable and typically ranges anywhere from $4,000 to $15,000. These costs are often all out of pocket. Most insurance companies consider a hair transplant a cosmetic procedure.

The cost of hair transplants is dependent on many different factors. These include:

Where you live: The relative cost of living in the area and the number of nearby surgeons offering the procedure can affect what a surgeon charges.

The type of procedure you choose: There are two different types of hair transplants: follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). Each has a different cost.

The skill of your surgeon: This is a common correlation: If your surgeon is considered to be one of the best, they may charge more. At the same time, higher rates don’t always mean superior skill, so do your research carefully.

How much hair you want transplanted:Wanting a few patches added will cost significantly less than wanting to increase hair across the entire scalp.

Travel costs: This isn’t something that your doctor will charge, but it’s still a cost you should consider. Sometimes you have to travel to find the best specialists, and you should consider these costs when deciding if you can afford the procedure

How much it costs to recover from a hair transplant

In addition to treatment costs, there are other potential recovery costs that you should take into account.

These include:

·         pain medication during immediate recovery

·         anti-inflammatory medications to reduce swelling at the surgical site

·         antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection

If you experience any complications, the most common of which is infection, you’ll need to treat it. This can be a source of additional expense, including the costs for medications and doctor’s visits.

our clinic offers  all kinds of cosmetic surgery services including hair transplantation, eyelash and eyebrow transplantation, beard and mustache transplantation.

  • Mahmoud Khodamoradi lol
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The cost of a hair transplant in Iran is one of the lowest, if not the lowest, in the world among countries offering high-quality procedures as well as other medical tourism services. A hair transplant costs from $600 to $2,500 in Iran, including all the related fees such as doctor's visit, anesthesia, surgery fee, and the rest. However, the same procedure in the United States and Europe costs much higher, from $5,000 to $30,000.

Iran beats other Asian countries like Turkey, India, and Thailand in terms of price, as it offers more affordable prices in hair restoration surgery. A hair replacement operation in Turkey costs around $3,500, and the same procedure costs around $3,000 in India and Thailand.

  • Mahmoud Khodamoradi lol
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?Why Choose our clinic for hair transplant

We are primarily concerned with your care and successful outcome of your hair restoration services

We do not sacrifice quality in order to minimize our costs

We believe you should be paying for a quality hair transplant, not for fancy overhead costs.

A busy hair clinic should have quality results at competitive graft prices. However, many pump your money into high overhead office space and high-octane advertising campaigns.  our Transplant Center is different because we pass the savings on to you while maintaining quality. We can be your solution to scalp thinning and male pattern baldness.

  • Mahmoud Khodamoradi lol
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The cost of hair transplant

The cost of hair transplants is dependent on many different factors. These include:

Where you live: The relative cost of living in the area and the number of nearby surgeons offering the procedure can affect what a surgeon charges.

The type of procedure you choose: There are two different types of hair transplants: follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). Each has a different cost.

The skill of your surgeon: This is a common correlation: If your surgeon is considered to be one of the best, they may charge more. At the same time, higher rates don’t always mean superior skill, so do your research carefully.

How much hair you want transplanted:Wanting a few patches added will cost significantly less than wanting to increase hair across the entire scalp.

Travel costs: This isn’t something that your doctor will charge, but it’s still a cost you should consider. Sometimes you have to travel to find the best specialists, and you should consider these costs when deciding if you can afford the procedure

  • Mahmoud Khodamoradi lol
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Hair Transplant in Iran


Hair Transplant in Iran

It’s time to stop being bald by making a bold decision! We help you have an unforgettable hair transplant experience in Iran.

With advanced hair transplant techniques, short recovery periods, and best possible results, Iran stands out as a reliable hair transplant destination. If you’re suffering from hair loss, choose our clinic to plant your hair. our health care is excellent and the prices are very affordable and cheap. I and the hair transplant team , we will treat your hair effectively and treat your baldness.


Why do we transplant hair in  Iran?

Hair transplant is much in demand in Iran and this has enabled Iranian hair transplant surgeons to build on their experience and expertise in this procedure. Also, the highly affordable hair costs of hair transplant and other costs in Iran is a great reason to opt for the country instead of other destinations. in a word, because of the very bald people in Iran , we are very experienced in planting hair. You can telegram me at the following telegram address :  it is the telegram of our hair transplant team. You can send me a message on the telegram for a visit and estimate the cost of hair transplant. You must have 5 photos of your head and send it to me so that we tell you how much is  the cost of your hair transplant.  5 photos should show  the front, beside, back and top of your head.


How does it cost to have a hair transplant in Iran?

Like all other healthcare services, hair transplant is offered at rock-bottom prices compared to other countries. With less than $800, you can have a full hair transplant at a modern clinic by a highly experienced doctor.



No one can deny the inseparable relation between hair, beauty, and self-confidence. Your hair may start to fall for a variety of reasons as you get older, impacting your beauty and, in turn, your self-confidence. So, if you’re looking for an affordable solution to your hair loss, here is a clear-cut path to getting your hair back again! And that’s hair transplant in Iran.


Hair transplant or hair restoration surgery is an effective treatment for alopecia (the problem of hair loss). It involves two parts:


·         Removing hair-bearing tissues or hair grafts from one part of the scalp (donor zone)

·         Relocating them to another part (recipient zone)

Donor zone refers to the area of the scalp, usually the back of the scalp, that has more hair with higher sustainability. Recipient zone refers to the balding part of the scalp that needs to grow hair. Hair loss or receding hairline mainly results from pattern baldness. Other factors like diet, stress, hormone, and disease contribute little to the hair loss.


Hair transplant surgery is a common cosmetic procedure in Iran. With highly-experienced surgeons and modern hair transplant clinics, Iran offers foreign candidates a very safe experience of hair transplant.

The low cost of hair transplant in Iran serves as another motive, enticing candidates from all over the world to choose Iran as their destination. As is the case with lots of other cosmetic surgeries, the cost of hair transplant in Iran compared to other countries is considerably more reasonable.

Plus, the results of hair restoration surgery in Iran are reported to bring a very high level of safety and satisfaction for patients. A study on the success rate of hair transplant in Iran indicates that this surgery offers a high rate of success with the least possible side effects. The study reveals that the satisfaction level of the transplanted hairline in 76% of patients was excellent and in 24% was good. So, it would be fair if we claim that Iran is a highly successful country in providing quality hair transplant services.


Just like other cosmetic/medical procedures, Iran's becoming a household name in hair transplant. The country embraces a society of highly-skilled and board-certified surgeons in this field. Having graduated from top-rated universities, Iranian surgeons have completed their fellowships in hair transplant in Europe and the United States.

Studies show that in Iran three out of five men go bald before the age of 50. Accordingly, the number of candidates and those who undergo this surgery is on the rise. The more procedures surgeons perform, the better their surgery results are. As a result, this has brought more proficiency for Iranian surgeons in this field. These surgeons are, hence, able to anticipate all the complications that may arise before the surgery. And, this would guarantee the patient's treatment success



The cost of a hair transplant in Iran is one of the lowest, if not the lowest, in the world among countries offering high-quality procedures as well as other medical tourism services. A hair transplant costs from $600 to $2,500 in Iran, including all the related fees such as doctor's visit, anesthesia, surgery fee, and the rest. However, the same procedure in the United States and Europe costs much higher, from $5,000 to $30,000.

Iran beats other Asian countries like Turkey, India, and Thailand in terms of price, as it offers more affordable prices in hair restoration surgery. A hair replacement operation in Turkey costs around $3,500, and the same procedure costs around $3,000 in India and Thailand.




Hair transplant in Iran is more advanced than ever, and surgeons do their best to help you get through it easily. Iranian hair transplant surgeons adopt the latest methods and technologies to help you get through it easily. The surgery is performed in a modern clinic under local anesthesia. The procedure takes about 8 hours, while the healing process takes at most 3-4 days. The first hints of your treatment would be visible after around 4 months, while the full results would be apparent after 8-12 months.

Moreover, Iran is a country offering all the techniques of hair loss treatment available in the world. There are four main techniques for performing this surgery. They include Follicular Isolation Technique (FIT), Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) also known as FUSS, and a combination of FIT and FUT. The latter is used in patients with extensive baldness, as in this method, more grafts are implanted on the scalp compared to other techniques.



Unlike what is expected by most people, women are, of course, candidates for hair transplant. According to the American Association of Dermatologists, hair loss for women is common. Women usually deal with two types of hair loss. One is receded hairline and the other is female pattern baldness. The former occurs in both men and women and can be treated with hairline lowering.  In this case, the surgeon transplants hair from hair bank to the front of patients' hair.

When hair loss pattern is not distinct and there's a thinning/balding in all areas of the head, it may be due to female pattern baldness. A hair transplant may not always be appropriate for women, and other methods like Platelet Rich Plasma(PRP) and mesotherapy will do a far better job. PRP involves injecting rich platelets into the recipient area, after centrifuging the patient’s own blood for about 10 minutes. This stimulates hair follicles, thickens thin hair, increases hair volume, and promotes new hair growth. Mesotherapy is another method which triggers hair growth through injecting nutrients' boosters into the scalp.


Today, there is a significant increase in the number of men who choose a beard or mustache transplant. They seek beard or mustache transplant to restore hair in areas of the face with no or thin hair. Facial hair transplant procedure is similar to a regular hair restoration surgery. Both FUT and FUE techniques can be applied in beard or mustache transplant. The procedure requires great preciseness because hair grafts need to be transplanted with the right growth direction so that the results look more natural and less artificial.


Natural eyebrows are one of the most prominent elements of facial beauty. Many opt for having eyebrow transplant, or eyebrow hair restoration, to have natural looking and permanent eyebrows. People seek eyebrow transplant for many reasons, including if their eyebrows have been over plucked, burned, or affected by scarring or genetics. This procedure is successfully performed in Iran using both FIT and FUT. The surgery is done under local anesthesia, and there is no scar left after the surgery. The recovery is fast, and the result is permanent.

In the last-but-not-the-least section, we are going to go through the questions that may pop up to your mind when you decide to get your hair transplant done.

Why Choose our clinic for hair transplant?

We are primarily concerned with your care and successful outcome of your hair restoration services

We do not sacrifice quality in order to minimize our costs

We believe you should be paying for a quality hair transplant, not for fancy overhead costs.

A busy hair clinic should have quality results at competitive graft prices. However, many pump your money into high overhead office space and high-octane advertising campaigns.  our Transplant Center is different because we pass the savings on to you while maintaining quality. We can be your solution to scalp thinning and male pattern baldness.

Comparing the cost of a hair transplant

The average cost per FUE graft in the United States can vary between $6-11, with the overall cost of a full hair transplant costing anywhere in theregion of $10,000-25,000, depending on the desired results, the clinic and the city you are treated in.



A hair transplant in the UK can cost anywhere between £1,000 and £30,000, depending on the extent of hair loss, the type of procedure you have, and the quality of the clinic and its team.


How much does it cost for a Hair Transplant worldwide?

Hair transplants are becoming increasingly popular with more men and women seeking procedures worldwide. we  aims to provide you with all the information you need when seeking hair transplants.

Many countries such as India, Thailand, Turkey, Greece and Sweden offer great standards of care to patients at affordable prices. In Turkey alone over 30,000  users enquired about hair loss procedures last year. Greece is also very well recommended and many hair loss professionals travel there for research and training purposes.

Wherever you decide we  aim to give you as much information as we can, so you can decide what is best for you. However it is still a good idea to contact the clinics to avail of any package deals, discounts or any further information you may need when choosing the right clinic for you.

What is meant by Hair Transplant?

Hair Transplant is a surgical procedure where hair follicles are transplanted from one part of the body to the scalp or face of a patient. The part of the body from which the follicles are taken is called the donor site and the part of the scalp or face where follicles are placed is called the recipient site.

Is Hair Transplant permanent?

Hair transplants are usually permanent, as the translanted follicles are taken from areas where hair loss will not occur. Patients may experience hair loss in other areas of their scalp or face but in not the recipient site. The transplanted hair will fall out after the surgery, but will grow back within about six months. Surgeons usually prescribe medications to strengthen hair follicles to prevent the loss of non-transplanted hair after the surgery.

How long does it take to recover from Hair Transplant surgery?

Recovering from a hair transplantation procedure depends on the type of procedure. Patients may take many weeks to recover from an FUT, or strip type, hair transplantation procedure while recovery from an FUE type of hair transplantation surgery takes about a week.

What are the different types of Hair Transplant?

Types of hair transplantation procedures include FUSS, FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) or the strip method, where a strip of tissue is removed from the scalp and then hair is transplanted in groups of one to four units called follicular units, the minimally invasive FUE method where a hole is made in the donor site with a punch and single hair follicles are taken from the donor site and placed in the recipient site. The ARTAS method is a robotic hair transplantation procedure that performs the FUE hair transplantation procedure faster than traditional hair transplantation procedures.

How much the treatment costs

The cost of a hair transplant is highly variable and typically ranges anywhere from $4,000 to $15,000. These costs are often all out of pocket. Most insurance companies consider a hair transplant a cosmetic procedure.

The cost of hair transplants is dependent on many different factors. These include:

Where you live: The relative cost of living in the area and the number of nearby surgeons offering the procedure can affect what a surgeon charges.

The type of procedure you choose: There are two different types of hair transplants: follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). Each has a different cost.

The skill of your surgeon: This is a common correlation: If your surgeon is considered to be one of the best, they may charge more. At the same time, higher rates don’t always mean superior skill, so do your research carefully.

How much hair you want transplanted:Wanting a few patches added will cost significantly less than wanting to increase hair across the entire scalp.

Travel costs: This isn’t something that your doctor will charge, but it’s still a cost you should consider. Sometimes you have to travel to find the best specialists, and you should consider these costs when deciding if you can afford the procedure

How much it costs to recover from a hair transplant

In addition to treatment costs, there are other potential recovery costs that you should take into account.

These include:

·         pain medication during immediate recovery

·         anti-inflammatory medications to reduce swelling at the surgical site

·         antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection

If you experience any complications, the most common of which is infection, you’ll need to treat it. This can be a source of additional expense, including the costs for medications and doctor’s visits.

our clinic offers  all kinds of cosmetic surgery services including hair transplantation, eyelash and eyebrow transplantation, beard and mustache transplantation.

  • Mahmoud Khodamoradi lol
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Hair Transplant in Iran

It’s time to stop being bald by making a bold decision! We help you have an unforgettable hair transplant experience in Iran.

With advanced hair transplant techniques, short recovery periods, and best possible results, Iran stands out as a reliable hair transplant destination. If you’re suffering from hair loss, choose our clinic to plant your hair. our health care is excellent and the prices are very affordable and cheap. I and the hair transplant team , we will treat your hair effectively and treat your baldness.


Why do we transplant hair in  Iran?

Hair transplant is much in demand in Iran and this has enabled Iranian hair transplant surgeons to build on their experience and expertise in this procedure. Also, the highly affordable hair costs of hair transplant and other costs in Iran is a great reason to opt for the country instead of other destinations. in a word, because of the very bald people in Iran , we are very experienced in planting hair. You can telegram me at the following telegram address :  it is the telegram of our hair transplant team. You can send me a message on the telegram for a visit and estimate the cost of hair transplant. You must have 5 photos of your head and send it to me so that we tell you how much is  the cost of your hair transplant.  5 photos should show  the front, beside, back and top of your head.


How does it cost to have a hair transplant in Iran?

Like all other healthcare services, hair transplant is offered at rock-bottom prices compared to other countries. With less than $800, you can have a full hair transplant at a modern clinic by a highly experienced doctor.



No one can deny the inseparable relation between hair, beauty, and self-confidence. Your hair may start to fall for a variety of reasons as you get older, impacting your beauty and, in turn, your self-confidence. So, if you’re looking for an affordable solution to your hair loss, here is a clear-cut path to getting your hair back again! And that’s hair transplant in Iran.


Hair transplant or hair restoration surgery is an effective treatment for alopecia (the problem of hair loss). It involves two parts:


·         Removing hair-bearing tissues or hair grafts from one part of the scalp (donor zone)

·         Relocating them to another part (recipient zone)

Donor zone refers to the area of the scalp, usually the back of the scalp, that has more hair with higher sustainability. Recipient zone refers to the balding part of the scalp that needs to grow hair. Hair loss or receding hairline mainly results from pattern baldness. Other factors like diet, stress, hormone, and disease contribute little to the hair loss.


Hair transplant surgery is a common cosmetic procedure in Iran. With highly-experienced surgeons and modern hair transplant clinics, Iran offers foreign candidates a very safe experience of hair transplant.

The low cost of hair transplant in Iran serves as another motive, enticing candidates from all over the world to choose Iran as their destination. As is the case with lots of other cosmetic surgeries, the cost of hair transplant in Iran compared to other countries is considerably more reasonable.

Plus, the results of hair restoration surgery in Iran are reported to bring a very high level of safety and satisfaction for patients. A study on the success rate of hair transplant in Iran indicates that this surgery offers a high rate of success with the least possible side effects. The study reveals that the satisfaction level of the transplanted hairline in 76% of patients was excellent and in 24% was good. So, it would be fair if we claim that Iran is a highly successful country in providing quality hair transplant services.


Just like other cosmetic/medical procedures, Iran's becoming a household name in hair transplant. The country embraces a society of highly-skilled and board-certified surgeons in this field. Having graduated from top-rated universities, Iranian surgeons have completed their fellowships in hair transplant in Europe and the United States.

Studies show that in Iran three out of five men go bald before the age of 50. Accordingly, the number of candidates and those who undergo this surgery is on the rise. The more procedures surgeons perform, the better their surgery results are. As a result, this has brought more proficiency for Iranian surgeons in this field. These surgeons are, hence, able to anticipate all the complications that may arise before the surgery. And, this would guarantee the patient's treatment success



The cost of a hair transplant in Iran is one of the lowest, if not the lowest, in the world among countries offering high-quality procedures as well as other medical tourism services. A hair transplant costs from $600 to $2,500 in Iran, including all the related fees such as doctor's visit, anesthesia, surgery fee, and the rest. However, the same procedure in the United States and Europe costs much higher, from $5,000 to $30,000.

Iran beats other Asian countries like Turkey, India, and Thailand in terms of price, as it offers more affordable prices in hair restoration surgery. A hair replacement operation in Turkey costs around $3,500, and the same procedure costs around $3,000 in India and Thailand.




Hair transplant in Iran is more advanced than ever, and surgeons do their best to help you get through it easily. Iranian hair transplant surgeons adopt the latest methods and technologies to help you get through it easily. The surgery is performed in a modern clinic under local anesthesia. The procedure takes about 8 hours, while the healing process takes at most 3-4 days. The first hints of your treatment would be visible after around 4 months, while the full results would be apparent after 8-12 months.

Moreover, Iran is a country offering all the techniques of hair loss treatment available in the world. There are four main techniques for performing this surgery. They include Follicular Isolation Technique (FIT), Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) also known as FUSS, and a combination of FIT and FUT. The latter is used in patients with extensive baldness, as in this method, more grafts are implanted on the scalp compared to other techniques.



Unlike what is expected by most people, women are, of course, candidates for hair transplant. According to the American Association of Dermatologists, hair loss for women is common. Women usually deal with two types of hair loss. One is receded hairline and the other is female pattern baldness. The former occurs in both men and women and can be treated with hairline lowering.  In this case, the surgeon transplants hair from hair bank to the front of patients' hair.

When hair loss pattern is not distinct and there's a thinning/balding in all areas of the head, it may be due to female pattern baldness. A hair transplant may not always be appropriate for women, and other methods like Platelet Rich Plasma(PRP) and mesotherapy will do a far better job. PRP involves injecting rich platelets into the recipient area, after centrifuging the patient’s own blood for about 10 minutes. This stimulates hair follicles, thickens thin hair, increases hair volume, and promotes new hair growth. Mesotherapy is another method which triggers hair growth through injecting nutrients' boosters into the scalp.


Today, there is a significant increase in the number of men who choose a beard or mustache transplant. They seek beard or mustache transplant to restore hair in areas of the face with no or thin hair. Facial hair transplant procedure is similar to a regular hair restoration surgery. Both FUT and FUE techniques can be applied in beard or mustache transplant. The procedure requires great preciseness because hair grafts need to be transplanted with the right growth direction so that the results look more natural and less artificial.


Natural eyebrows are one of the most prominent elements of facial beauty. Many opt for having eyebrow transplant, or eyebrow hair restoration, to have natural looking and permanent eyebrows. People seek eyebrow transplant for many reasons, including if their eyebrows have been over plucked, burned, or affected by scarring or genetics. This procedure is successfully performed in Iran using both FIT and FUT. The surgery is done under local anesthesia, and there is no scar left after the surgery. The recovery is fast, and the result is permanent.

In the last-but-not-the-least section, we are going to go through the questions that may pop up to your mind when you decide to get your hair transplant done.

Why Choose our clinic for hair transplant?

We are primarily concerned with your care and successful outcome of your hair restoration services

We do not sacrifice quality in order to minimize our costs

We believe you should be paying for a quality hair transplant, not for fancy overhead costs.

A busy hair clinic should have quality results at competitive graft prices. However, many pump your money into high overhead office space and high-octane advertising campaigns.  our Transplant Center is different because we pass the savings on to you while maintaining quality. We can be your solution to scalp thinning and male pattern baldness.

Comparing the cost of a hair transplant

The average cost per FUE graft in the United States can vary between $6-11, with the overall cost of a full hair transplant costing anywhere in theregion of $10,000-25,000, depending on the desired results, the clinic and the city you are treated in.



A hair transplant in the UK can cost anywhere between £1,000 and £30,000, depending on the extent of hair loss, the type of procedure you have, and the quality of the clinic and its team.


How much does it cost for a Hair Transplant worldwide?

Hair transplants are becoming increasingly popular with more men and women seeking procedures worldwide. we  aims to provide you with all the information you need when seeking hair transplants.

Many countries such as India, Thailand, Turkey, Greece and Sweden offer great standards of care to patients at affordable prices. In Turkey alone over 30,000  users enquired about hair loss procedures last year. Greece is also very well recommended and many hair loss professionals travel there for research and training purposes.

Wherever you decide we  aim to give you as much information as we can, so you can decide what is best for you. However it is still a good idea to contact the clinics to avail of any package deals, discounts or any further information you may need when choosing the right clinic for you.

What is meant by Hair Transplant?

Hair Transplant is a surgical procedure where hair follicles are transplanted from one part of the body to the scalp or face of a patient. The part of the body from which the follicles are taken is called the donor site and the part of the scalp or face where follicles are placed is called the recipient site.

Is Hair Transplant permanent?

Hair transplants are usually permanent, as the translanted follicles are taken from areas where hair loss will not occur. Patients may experience hair loss in other areas of their scalp or face but in not the recipient site. The transplanted hair will fall out after the surgery, but will grow back within about six months. Surgeons usually prescribe medications to strengthen hair follicles to prevent the loss of non-transplanted hair after the surgery.

How long does it take to recover from Hair Transplant surgery?

Recovering from a hair transplantation procedure depends on the type of procedure. Patients may take many weeks to recover from an FUT, or strip type, hair transplantation procedure while recovery from an FUE type of hair transplantation surgery takes about a week.

What are the different types of Hair Transplant?

Types of hair transplantation procedures include FUSS, FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) or the strip method, where a strip of tissue is removed from the scalp and then hair is transplanted in groups of one to four units called follicular units, the minimally invasive FUE method where a hole is made in the donor site with a punch and single hair follicles are taken from the donor site and placed in the recipient site. The ARTAS method is a robotic hair transplantation procedure that performs the FUE hair transplantation procedure faster than traditional hair transplantation procedures.

How much the treatment costs

The cost of a hair transplant is highly variable and typically ranges anywhere from $4,000 to $15,000. These costs are often all out of pocket. Most insurance companies consider a hair transplant a cosmetic procedure.

The cost of hair transplants is dependent on many different factors. These include:

Where you live: The relative cost of living in the area and the number of nearby surgeons offering the procedure can affect what a surgeon charges.

The type of procedure you choose: There are two different types of hair transplants: follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). Each has a different cost.

The skill of your surgeon: This is a common correlation: If your surgeon is considered to be one of the best, they may charge more. At the same time, higher rates don’t always mean superior skill, so do your research carefully.

How much hair you want transplanted:Wanting a few patches added will cost significantly less than wanting to increase hair across the entire scalp.

Travel costs: This isn’t something that your doctor will charge, but it’s still a cost you should consider. Sometimes you have to travel to find the best specialists, and you should consider these costs when deciding if you can afford the procedure

How much it costs to recover from a hair transplant

In addition to treatment costs, there are other potential recovery costs that you should take into account.

These include:

·         pain medication during immediate recovery

·         anti-inflammatory medications to reduce swelling at the surgical site

·         antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection

If you experience any complications, the most common of which is infection, you’ll need to treat it. This can be a source of additional expense, including the costs for medications and doctor’s visits.

our clinic offers  all kinds of cosmetic surgery services including hair transplantation, eyelash and eyebrow transplantation, beard and mustache transplantation.

  • Mahmoud Khodamoradi lol
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Is Hair Transplant permanent

What is meant by Hair Transplant?

Hair Transplant is a surgical procedure where hair follicles are transplanted from one part of the body to the scalp or face of a patient. The part of the body from which the follicles are taken is called the donor site and the part of the scalp or face where follicles are placed is called the recipient site.

Is Hair Transplant permanent?

Hair transplants are usually permanent, as the translanted follicles are taken from areas where hair loss will not occur. Patients may experience hair loss in other areas of their scalp or face but in not the recipient site. The transplanted hair will fall out after the surgery, but will grow back within about six months. Surgeons usually prescribe medications to strengthen hair follicles to prevent the loss of non-transplanted hair after the surgery.

How long does it take to recover from Hair Transplant surgery?

Recovering from a hair transplantation procedure depends on the type of procedure. Patients may take many weeks to recover from an FUT, or strip type, hair transplantation procedure while recovery from an FUE type of hair transplantation surgery takes about a week.

What are the different types of Hair Transplant?

Types of hair transplantation procedures include FUSS, FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) or the strip method, where a strip of tissue is removed from the scalp and then hair is transplanted in groups of one to four units called follicular units, the minimally invasive FUE method where a hole is made in the donor site with a punch and single hair follicles are taken from the donor site and placed in the recipient site. The ARTAS method is a robotic hair transplantation procedure that performs the FUE hair transplantation procedure faster than traditional hair transplantation procedures

  • Mahmoud Khodamoradi lol
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Natural eyebrows are one of the most prominent elements of facial beauty. Many opt for having eyebrow transplant, or eyebrow hair restoration, to have natural looking and permanent eyebrows. People seek eyebrow transplant for many reasons, including if their eyebrows have been over plucked, burned, or affected by scarring or genetics. This procedure is successfully performed in Iran using both FIT and FUT. The surgery is done under local anesthesia, and there is no scar left after the surgery. The recovery is fast, and the result is permanent.

In the last-but-not-the-least section, we are going to go through the questions that may pop up to your mind when you decide to get your hair transplant done.

  • Mahmoud Khodamoradi lol
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Why do we transplant hair in  Iran?

Hair transplant is much in demand in Iran and this has enabled Iranian hair transplant surgeons to build on their experience and expertise in this procedure. Also, the highly affordable hair costs of hair transplant and other costs in Iran is a great reason to opt for the country instead of other destinations. in a word, because of the very bald people in Iran , we are very experienced in planting hair. You can telegram me at the following telegram address :  it is the telegram of our hair transplant team. You can send me a message on the telegram for a visit and estimate the cost of hair transplant. You must have 5 photos of your head and send it to me so that we tell you how much is  the cost of your hair transplant.  5 photos should show  the front, beside, back and top of your head.

  • Mahmoud Khodamoradi lol
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Hair Transplant


Hair Transplant in Iran

It’s time to stop being bald by making a bold decision! We help you have an unforgettable hair transplant experience in Iran.

With advanced hair transplant techniques, short recovery periods, and best possible results, Iran stands out as a reliable hair transplant destination. If you’re suffering from hair loss, choose our clinic to plant your hair. our health care is excellent and the prices are very affordable and cheap. I and the hair transplant team , we will treat your hair effectively and treat your baldness.


Why do we transplant hair in  Iran?

Hair transplant is much in demand in Iran and this has enabled Iranian hair transplant surgeons to build on their experience and expertise in this procedure. Also, the highly affordable hair costs of hair transplant and other costs in Iran is a great reason to opt for the country instead of other destinations. in a word, because of the very bald people in Iran , we are very experienced in planting hair. You can telegram me at the following telegram address :  it is the telegram of our hair transplant team. You can send me a message on the telegram for a visit and estimate the cost of hair transplant. You must have 5 photos of your head and send it to me so that we tell you how much is  the cost of your hair transplant.  5 photos should show  the front, beside, back and top of your head.


How does it cost to have a hair transplant in Iran?

Like all other healthcare services, hair transplant is offered at rock-bottom prices compared to other countries. With less than $800, you can have a full hair transplant at a modern clinic by a highly experienced doctor.



No one can deny the inseparable relation between hair, beauty, and self-confidence. Your hair may start to fall for a variety of reasons as you get older, impacting your beauty and, in turn, your self-confidence. So, if you’re looking for an affordable solution to your hair loss, here is a clear-cut path to getting your hair back again! And that’s hair transplant in Iran.


Hair transplant or hair restoration surgery is an effective treatment for alopecia (the problem of hair loss). It involves two parts:


·         Removing hair-bearing tissues or hair grafts from one part of the scalp (donor zone)

·         Relocating them to another part (recipient zone)

Donor zone refers to the area of the scalp, usually the back of the scalp, that has more hair with higher sustainability. Recipient zone refers to the balding part of the scalp that needs to grow hair. Hair loss or receding hairline mainly results from pattern baldness. Other factors like diet, stress, hormone, and disease contribute little to the hair loss.


Hair transplant surgery is a common cosmetic procedure in Iran. With highly-experienced surgeons and modern hair transplant clinics, Iran offers foreign candidates a very safe experience of hair transplant.

The low cost of hair transplant in Iran serves as another motive, enticing candidates from all over the world to choose Iran as their destination. As is the case with lots of other cosmetic surgeries, the cost of hair transplant in Iran compared to other countries is considerably more reasonable.

Plus, the results of hair restoration surgery in Iran are reported to bring a very high level of safety and satisfaction for patients. A study on the success rate of hair transplant in Iran indicates that this surgery offers a high rate of success with the least possible side effects. The study reveals that the satisfaction level of the transplanted hairline in 76% of patients was excellent and in 24% was good. So, it would be fair if we claim that Iran is a highly successful country in providing quality hair transplant services.


Just like other cosmetic/medical procedures, Iran's becoming a household name in hair transplant. The country embraces a society of highly-skilled and board-certified surgeons in this field. Having graduated from top-rated universities, Iranian surgeons have completed their fellowships in hair transplant in Europe and the United States.

Studies show that in Iran three out of five men go bald before the age of 50. Accordingly, the number of candidates and those who undergo this surgery is on the rise. The more procedures surgeons perform, the better their surgery results are. As a result, this has brought more proficiency for Iranian surgeons in this field. These surgeons are, hence, able to anticipate all the complications that may arise before the surgery. And, this would guarantee the patient's treatment success



The cost of a hair transplant in Iran is one of the lowest, if not the lowest, in the world among countries offering high-quality procedures as well as other medical tourism services. A hair transplant costs from $600 to $2,500 in Iran, including all the related fees such as doctor's visit, anesthesia, surgery fee, and the rest. However, the same procedure in the United States and Europe costs much higher, from $5,000 to $30,000.

Iran beats other Asian countries like Turkey, India, and Thailand in terms of price, as it offers more affordable prices in hair restoration surgery. A hair replacement operation in Turkey costs around $3,500, and the same procedure costs around $3,000 in India and Thailand.




Hair transplant in Iran is more advanced than ever, and surgeons do their best to help you get through it easily. Iranian hair transplant surgeons adopt the latest methods and technologies to help you get through it easily. The surgery is performed in a modern clinic under local anesthesia. The procedure takes about 8 hours, while the healing process takes at most 3-4 days. The first hints of your treatment would be visible after around 4 months, while the full results would be apparent after 8-12 months.

Moreover, Iran is a country offering all the techniques of hair loss treatment available in the world. There are four main techniques for performing this surgery. They include Follicular Isolation Technique (FIT), Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) also known as FUSS, and a combination of FIT and FUT. The latter is used in patients with extensive baldness, as in this method, more grafts are implanted on the scalp compared to other techniques.



Unlike what is expected by most people, women are, of course, candidates for hair transplant. According to the American Association of Dermatologists, hair loss for women is common. Women usually deal with two types of hair loss. One is receded hairline and the other is female pattern baldness. The former occurs in both men and women and can be treated with hairline lowering.  In this case, the surgeon transplants hair from hair bank to the front of patients' hair.

When hair loss pattern is not distinct and there's a thinning/balding in all areas of the head, it may be due to female pattern baldness. A hair transplant may not always be appropriate for women, and other methods like Platelet Rich Plasma(PRP) and mesotherapy will do a far better job. PRP involves injecting rich platelets into the recipient area, after centrifuging the patient’s own blood for about 10 minutes. This stimulates hair follicles, thickens thin hair, increases hair volume, and promotes new hair growth. Mesotherapy is another method which triggers hair growth through injecting nutrients' boosters into the scalp.


Today, there is a significant increase in the number of men who choose a beard or mustache transplant. They seek beard or mustache transplant to restore hair in areas of the face with no or thin hair. Facial hair transplant procedure is similar to a regular hair restoration surgery. Both FUT and FUE techniques can be applied in beard or mustache transplant. The procedure requires great preciseness because hair grafts need to be transplanted with the right growth direction so that the results look more natural and less artificial.


Natural eyebrows are one of the most prominent elements of facial beauty. Many opt for having eyebrow transplant, or eyebrow hair restoration, to have natural looking and permanent eyebrows. People seek eyebrow transplant for many reasons, including if their eyebrows have been over plucked, burned, or affected by scarring or genetics. This procedure is successfully performed in Iran using both FIT and FUT. The surgery is done under local anesthesia, and there is no scar left after the surgery. The recovery is fast, and the result is permanent.

In the last-but-not-the-least section, we are going to go through the questions that may pop up to your mind when you decide to get your hair transplant done.

Why Choose our clinic for hair transplant?

We are primarily concerned with your care and successful outcome of your hair restoration services

We do not sacrifice quality in order to minimize our costs

We believe you should be paying for a quality hair transplant, not for fancy overhead costs.

A busy hair clinic should have quality results at competitive graft prices. However, many pump your money into high overhead office space and high-octane advertising campaigns.  our Transplant Center is different because we pass the savings on to you while maintaining quality. We can be your solution to scalp thinning and male pattern baldness.

Comparing the cost of a hair transplant

The average cost per FUE graft in the United States can vary between $6-11, with the overall cost of a full hair transplant costing anywhere in theregion of $10,000-25,000, depending on the desired results, the clinic and the city you are treated in.



A hair transplant in the UK can cost anywhere between £1,000 and £30,000, depending on the extent of hair loss, the type of procedure you have, and the quality of the clinic and its team.


How much does it cost for a Hair Transplant worldwide?

Hair transplants are becoming increasingly popular with more men and women seeking procedures worldwide. we  aims to provide you with all the information you need when seeking hair transplants.

Many countries such as India, Thailand, Turkey, Greece and Sweden offer great standards of care to patients at affordable prices. In Turkey alone over 30,000  users enquired about hair loss procedures last year. Greece is also very well recommended and many hair loss professionals travel there for research and training purposes.

Wherever you decide we  aim to give you as much information as we can, so you can decide what is best for you. However it is still a good idea to contact the clinics to avail of any package deals, discounts or any further information you may need when choosing the right clinic for you.

What is meant by Hair Transplant?

Hair Transplant is a surgical procedure where hair follicles are transplanted from one part of the body to the scalp or face of a patient. The part of the body from which the follicles are taken is called the donor site and the part of the scalp or face where follicles are placed is called the recipient site.

Is Hair Transplant permanent?

Hair transplants are usually permanent, as the translanted follicles are taken from areas where hair loss will not occur. Patients may experience hair loss in other areas of their scalp or face but in not the recipient site. The transplanted hair will fall out after the surgery, but will grow back within about six months. Surgeons usually prescribe medications to strengthen hair follicles to prevent the loss of non-transplanted hair after the surgery.

How long does it take to recover from Hair Transplant surgery?

Recovering from a hair transplantation procedure depends on the type of procedure. Patients may take many weeks to recover from an FUT, or strip type, hair transplantation procedure while recovery from an FUE type of hair transplantation surgery takes about a week.

What are the different types of Hair Transplant?

Types of hair transplantation procedures include FUSS, FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) or the strip method, where a strip of tissue is removed from the scalp and then hair is transplanted in groups of one to four units called follicular units, the minimally invasive FUE method where a hole is made in the donor site with a punch and single hair follicles are taken from the donor site and placed in the recipient site. The ARTAS method is a robotic hair transplantation procedure that performs the FUE hair transplantation procedure faster than traditional hair transplantation procedures.

How much the treatment costs

The cost of a hair transplant is highly variable and typically ranges anywhere from $4,000 to $15,000. These costs are often all out of pocket. Most insurance companies consider a hair transplant a cosmetic procedure.

The cost of hair transplants is dependent on many different factors. These include:

Where you live: The relative cost of living in the area and the number of nearby surgeons offering the procedure can affect what a surgeon charges.

The type of procedure you choose: There are two different types of hair transplants: follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). Each has a different cost.

The skill of your surgeon: This is a common correlation: If your surgeon is considered to be one of the best, they may charge more. At the same time, higher rates don’t always mean superior skill, so do your research carefully.

How much hair you want transplanted:Wanting a few patches added will cost significantly less than wanting to increase hair across the entire scalp.

Travel costs: This isn’t something that your doctor will charge, but it’s still a cost you should consider. Sometimes you have to travel to find the best specialists, and you should consider these costs when deciding if you can afford the procedure

How much it costs to recover from a hair transplant

In addition to treatment costs, there are other potential recovery costs that you should take into account.

These include:

·         pain medication during immediate recovery

·         anti-inflammatory medications to reduce swelling at the surgical site

·         antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection

If you experience any complications, the most common of which is infection, you’ll need to treat it. This can be a source of additional expense, including the costs for medications and doctor’s visits.

our clinic offers  all kinds of cosmetic surgery services including hair transplantation, eyelash and eyebrow transplantation, beard and mustache transplantation.

  • Mahmoud Khodamoradi lol